El Camino Reelers: Square Dancing in Silicon Valley for the LGBTQ Community and friends

ECR Photo Gallery 2
Photos from ECR events 2017-present

October 26, 2024: Dungeons & Drag Queens

Photos by Hank Winkenwerder, Stephanie Reyes, David Morandi, Bennet Marks, Ed Wilson
Reelers and friends get their spooky kicks at ECR's 2024 Halloween Ball. Great costumes, great decorations, great dancing to caller Vic Ceder.

August 3, 2024: Re-Lei the Deucey

Aloha! Reelers and friends dressed up in their tropical finery at ECR's summer luau featuring caller Kris Jensen from Albuquerque, who brought a great selection of Hawaiian-themed music. Just about everyone got lei'd, and in some cases, re-lei'd.

Photos by Bennet Marks and Hank Winkenwerder

June 8, 2024: San Mateo Pride

A pleasant June day in San Mateo! ECR members danced in the Pride parade and onstage. A lot of potential new dancers signed up at our booth. Rich Reel was our caller, Kurt Gollhardt was salesman extraordinaire, and Pete Levins organized the whole thing.

Photos by Hank Winkenwerder and Pete Levins

May 31, 2024: Open House

Photos by Hank Winkenwerder

Circle up! We welcomed prospective new dancers at our second Open House of the year. Michael Levy was our caller.

May 21, 2024: Congratulations to our Plus Class Graduates!

Photo by Hank Winkenwerder

Our Plus Class grads get their diplomas, with callers Kurt Gollhardt, Dave Decot,, and Michael Levy. Congratulations!

May 18, 2024: Walk & Dodge into Spring

Flower power! Reelers and friends celebrated Spring by dancing to caller Eric Henerlau, resplendent in his white disco suit. A fabulous time was had by all.

Photos by Bennet Marks

April 27, 2024: Picnic in the Park

Reelers and friends danced to caller Rich Reel on a warm Saturday afternoon in Palo Alto's Hoover Park. Our next picnic will be Sunday, June 23, back at Hoover Park.

Photos by John Kenney and Bennet Marks

February 24, 2024: The Black & White (and Pink!) Ball

Pretty in pink! Reelers and friends dressed for the occasion and danced to Bill Eyer at ECR's 2024 winter dance. And yes, Bill played "Pink Cadillac", and called hexagons too.

Photos by Hank Winkenwerder and Bennet Marks

October 28, 2023: Halloween Ball

From ghastly ghouls and social butterflies to perky pumpkins and plushy Pokemons, Reelers and friends came out to dance to Andy Allemao at ECR's 2023 Halloween Ball.

Photos by Dan Lyke, Jim Maxwell, Annette Graff, Bennet Marks

Saturday, Aug. 5, 2023: Step to a Wave

Surf's up! Reelers and friends jump the shark at ECR's summer beach party dance Step to a Wave featuring Darren Gallina.

Photos by Hank Winkenwerder, Thom Dang, & Russ King
Videos by Joe Dehn

June 10, 2023: San Mateo Pride

The Reelers execute the awe-inspiring, death-defying Catwalk Promenade, made up on the spot by caller Rich Reel at the San Mateo Pride celebration. ECR staffed a booth at the festival and invited folks to join us for our upcoming Open House on June 27.

Photos by Steven Higaki

May 27, 2023: The Grandest Square on Earth

The circus came to town when El Camino Reelers and friends danced to the awe-inspiring, death-defying callng of Michael Kellogg.

Photos by Hank Winkenwerder

May 13, 2023: Picnic in the Park

Strange visitors descended on Hoover Park in Palo Alto when the Reelers held a picnic and dance on a sunny Saturday afternoon. Kurt Gollhardt had the crowd dancing to "Purple People Eater" and Jeff Alder made his calling debut.

Photos by Hank Winkenwerder and Kevin Dickmann

March 25, 2023: Walk & Dodge Into Spring

Spring has sprung! Reelers and friends frolicked to the calling of Ken Ritucci at ECR's first dance of 2023.

Photos by Hank Winkenwerder. Videos by Joe Dehn

October 29, 2022: The Rocky Square Dance Horror Show!

Reelers and friends give themselves over to absolute pleasure at ECR's Rocky Horror- themed Halloween Ball, with spooky good calling by Marin County's Eric Henerlau! And yes, we did the Time Warp again!

NEW: We have videos of the dance! (videos courtesy of Joe Dehn)

Photos by Hank Winkenwerder, Bennet Marks, Arlene Scallon, Annette Graff, Eric Hudson

September 10, 2022: Congratulations to our Red and Violet Blast Class Graduates!

Photo by Ed Wilson
New ECR members from the Red and Violet Blast Classes show off their diplomas at the end of a long day of square dancing. Michael Levy was the Red class instructor; Kurt Gollhardt taught the Violet class.

August 13, 2022: A Family Affair

El Camino Reelers kicked off its second Beginner class of the year (our "Red" blast class) on Saturday, August 13. Caller Michael Levy introduced the next generation of square dancers to the basics. With a little help from their parents (all experienced dancers), these kids will be out-dancing the adults before long.

Photos by Hank Winkenwerder

July 16, 2022: Jurassic Picnic

RAWWRRRR!! Visitors from the Mesozoic dancing at El Camino Reelers' Jurassic Picnic in Palo Alto's Robles Park. Rich Reel and Dave Decot were the callers.

Photos and video clips by Kurt Gollhardt, Arlene Scallon, Dawn Strahler, Hank Winkenwerder, and Ed Wilson

June 11, 2022: San Mateo Pride

El Camino Reelers dancing onstage at the 10th Annual San Mateo Pride celebration. Kurt Gollhardt was our caller.

Photo and video clip by Jac Brennan

May 14, 2022: The Road to Convention

Photos by Doug Handerson
I'll get you, my pretty! And your little dog, too! Rich Reel and Michael Levy call for "The Road To Convention", an Oz-themed afternoon Plus and A2 workshop.
More Photos

March 26, 2022: Having a Ball

Photo by Annette Graff
Vic Ceder calls at the Black & White Ball, ECR's first big dance in two years.
Lots More Photos

October 30, 2021: We Dance in the Shadows

Photo by Bennet Marks
A plague doctor and a vampire discuss differing ideas on human mortality at ECR's Halloween picnic and dance. Dave Decot and Kurt Gollhardt called.

Sept. 25, 2021: Squareapalooza!

Beautiful fall day! On September 25 the Reelers went to Peers Park in Palo Alto for another picnic and dance outing. Michael Levy and Kurt Gollhardt were the callers.

Photos by Hank Winkenwerder

June 26, 2021: Reelers Renaissance

On Saturday June 26, Reelers and friends went back to Robles Park in Palo Alto for our first in-person dancing since the beginning of pandemic. Four callers (Michael Levy, Mike Pogue, Kurt Gollhardt and Dave Decot) kept the music going. Smiles all around!

Photos by Hank Winkenwerder and Bennet Marks

May 22, 2021: Picnic in the Park

On Saturday May 22, Reelers and their significant others got together for a picnic in Palo Alto's Robles Park. No dancing, but still... our first in-person event since last March!

Photos by Eric Hudson

February 22, 2020: Black & White Ball

A record turnout for our first quarterly dance of 2020, with Eric Henerlau calling.

Photo by Ed Wilson

January 31, 2020: Load the Love Boat

Hello sailor! ECR gets nautical at our first potluck dance of 2020, with Three of a Kind (Mike Pogue, Regina Schulz, James Thompson) calling. Great turnout, lots of good food, and fun dancing!

Photos by Kurt Gollhardt

January 8, 2020: Fun on a Wednesday Night

A good turnout as ECR held its first-ever Wednesday Fun Night at St. Andrews, with Michael Levy calling a variety of mixer dances along with square dance basics, wrapping up with a couple of full Plus tips for the regulars.

November 15, 2019: Fun with Rob

Rob French was our featured caller at the November Fun Night, giving the dancers a taste of ballroom dancing as well as square dance fundamentals.

Rob was back the following week for ECR's second annual APD/DBD Workshop, coaching five squares of dancers on the intricacies of All Position Dancing and Dancing by Definition.

October 26, 2019: Reeler Madness!

Lots of fabulous costumes at ECR's Reeler Madness Halloween Ball, with great calling by the incomparable Vic Ceder.

Photos by Bennet Marks

October 18, 2019: Fun Night at Billy DeFrank

Our October Fun Night at the Billy DeFrank LGBTQ+ Center in San Jose featured Kurt Gollhardt teaching square dance basics and a lively Indian "Dandiya" folk dance done with tasseled sticks.

Photos by Eric Hudson

August 3, 2019: Cast Away Three Quarters

ECR members and friends spend the evening on their own desert island, dancing to The Skipper (aka caller Darren Gallina) as he plays the theme from "Gilligan's Island" and other nautical tunes.

Photos by Ken Seibert

July 6, 2019: Allan Gets the Boot

Congratulations to ECR's Allan Hurst on receiving the prestigious Golden Boot Award, the highest honor of the gay square dancing world, at this year's IAGSDC Convention in Philadelphia. Allan was chosen by last year's winners, Barry and Pam Clasper, for his work on the IAGSDC History Wiki, the Gay Callers Association's Call Sheet newsletter, and so much more. Well done, Allan!

Photo by Andy Shore

June 25, 2019: Congratulations to our A2 Grads!

We had a big turnout for our A2 Graduation celebration. Dancers from ECR and other local clubs came out to celebrate with the new grads, and dance to our caller/instructors Michael Levy, Dave Decot and Kurt Gollhardt. Speechifying, diplomas and cake, and review instructor Allan Hurst brought the donuts.

Photos by Ed Wilson

June 2019: Pride Month at Filoli and San Mateo

On June 1, ECR made its debut at the first-ever Filoli Pride at the beautiful Filoli Gardens in Woodside, dancing on a shady patio with Kurt Gollhardt calling. Lots of audience participation, including a troop of Brownie Scouts getting their first taste of square dancing.

Photos by Allan Hurst

Two weeks later on June 15, we put on a show at the San Mateo Pride Festival (our seventh appearance) with Rich Reel calling. We started with an on-stage demo tip, then wento out into the audience to encourage festival-goers - and their kids - to join us.

Photos by Tom Jung, San Mateo Daily Journal. More photos by Hank Winkenwerder

May 8, 2019: Congratulations to Our New Members

El Camino Reelers welcomed two new members on Wednesday, May 8 when Mike and Dawn completed the Mainstream program. The graduation ceremony included diplomas, some silly dances, and, of course, cake.

Photo by Hank Winkenwerder

May 4, 2019: Star Thru Silicon Valley

The Force was strong in the galaxy as El Camino Reelers celebrated Star Wars Day with caller Gary Monday, aka Princess Mary Wanna Leia!

Photos by Ken Seibert

April 26, 2019: Back to Billy DeFrank

El Camino Reelers went back to the Billy DeFrank LGBTQ+ Community Center in San Jose for our April Fun Night. Caller Kurt Gollhardt taught a three-couple not-quite square dance -- and the Hully Gully!

Photos by Eric Hudson

March 29, 2019: The Woodstock of Square Dancing!

Folks from many clubs came out for ECR's Woodstock-themed Friday potluck featuring "3 of a Kind" callers Mike Pogue, Regina Schultz, and James Thompson. Lots of tie-dye, lots of food, lots of fun. The dance was also a farewell to longtime ECR board co-chair Lynn Ashmall, who has been in charge of the Friday Potluck series, and intrepid photographer Ken Seibert, who will soon be leaving the Bay Area. We'll miss you both!

Photos by Ken Seibert

Feb. 23, 2019: Take Me to the Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras comes back to Palo Alto with a fun-filled appearance by caller Bill Eyler from Palm Springs. Great dancing, lots of costumes and beads aplenty!

Photos by Ken Seibert

Feb. 15, 2019: February Fun Night

Guest caller Darren Gallina gets the dancers circling at ECR's February Fun Night.

Photos by Ken Seibert

January 18, 2019: More Fun at Billy DeFrank

ECR goes back to the Billy DeFrank LGBTQ Community Center for an evening of square dancing, line dancing, and general frivoloity with caller Kurt Gollhardt.

Photos by Ken Seibert

December 14, 2018: ECR Fun Night

Caller Rob French returns to show Reelers and friends how to do the Two-Step at our December Fun Night.

Photos by Ken Seibert

November 30, 2018: Potluck Friday

ECR members doing the roller coaster as we Spin Chain and Exchange the Gears at ECR's last potluck of the year, with caller Rich Reel. Good food, good friends, good dancing!

Photos by Ken Seibert

October 27, 2018: The Pirates of Palo Alto

Yo ho ho! El Camino Reelers hoist the Jolly Roger for their pirate-themed Halloween Ball as caller Bronc Wise gave No Quarter to the dancers. Great costumes, great decorations, and a whole lot of fun. Shiver me timbers, matey!

Photos by Ken Seibert

October 19, 2018: Back to Billy DeFrank

ECR held its second Fun Night at the Billy DeFrank Center in San Jose with caller Harlan Kerr.

Photos by Ken Seibert>

September 26, 2018: Congratulations, New Grads!

ECR welcomed our GREEN Blast Class graduates with diplomas and silly square dance games. And cake, of course!

Photos by Ken Seibert>
ECR's new PLUS Graduates with instructor Kurt Gollhardt

September 14, 2018: A Night at the Ballet

Everything was beautiful at ECR's fall potluck. Big turnout (including a lot of our new Plus grads), great food, and top-notch calling by club caller Michael Levy.

Photos by Ken Seibert>

September 9, 2018: What a Blast!

ECR's GREEN Blast Class wrapped up the PLUS curriculum at the Billy DeFrank LGBTQ Community Center in San Jose. Kurt Gollhardt was the instructor.

Photo by Allan Hurst

August 17, 2018: Hot Fun in the Summertime

ECR Fun Nights return to St. Andrews as caller Michael Levy pumps up the energy with a mixer dance.

Photos by Ken Seibert

August 4, 2018: Sunglasses Optional!

Big turnout on a hot summer night for our "Star Across Summer" quarterly dance with caller Darren Gallina.

Photos by Ken Seibert & Thom Dang

August 2, 2018: Out at the Fair

ECR dancers promote the Gay Square Dance Agenda, pulling bystanders into a demo tip at the first-ever "Out at the Fair" LGBTQ night at the Santa Clara County Fair. Kurt Gollhardt was our caller for the evening.

Photo by Eric Hudson

July 20, 2018: Fun at the Billy deFrank Center

ECR takes its monthly Fun Night program to the Billy deFrank LGBTQ Community Center in San Jose. Caller Kurt Gollhardt introduced the group to the Virginia Reel and a variety of other novel dances, as well as beginning square dance moves.

Photos by Annette Graff

June 16, 2018: San Mateo Pride

ECR members whoop it up onstage at San Mateo Pride. Rich Reel was our caller. We also had a booth where we spread the word about our Fun Nights to potential dancers.

Photos by Ken Seibert

June 15, 2018: Fun with Eric

ECR welcomed guest caller Eric Henerlau to our June Fun Night. Along with square dance basics, Eric taught some easy line dances like the Electric Slide ("If you've been to a wedding, you've done this.") and the "Wild Wild West" barn dance (an ECR fave).

Photos by Ken Seibert

June 13, 2018: Welcome, New Grads!

ECR welcomed its 2018 "Green" Blast Class graduates with diplomas and speechifying, and cake. Caller Michael Levy led the group in silly square dance games. And did we mention cake?

Photos by Ken Seibert

June 3, 2018: Santa Cruz Pride

ECR kicks off Pride month at the Santa Cruz Pride Parade. Caller Rich Reel and banner carriers James Thompson and Susan Grieger show off our new club banner before we dance our way down Pacific Avenue to cheering crowds.

Photos by Ken Seibert

June 1, 2018: Pass the Ocean, Please!

Kurt Gollhardt was the caller at our June potluck and dance. Plenty of good food and decorations, and all levels of dancing to Kurt's collection of ocean-themed music, with a grand finale of "Octopus's Garden".

Photos by Ken Seibert

May 11, 2018: Fun Night

Lots of new faces at our May Fun Night. Michael Levy introduced the crowd to square dancing... and some Jewish folk dances. Hava Nagila!

Photos by Ken Seibert

April 28, 2018: A Square Dance Romance

Love was in the air on April 28 at our romance-themed "Walk & Dodge into Spring" dance. Sacramento sweethearts Scot and Erin Byars were the featured caller and cuer.

Photos by Ken Seibert

April 20, 2018 Fun Night

Cowboy up! Kurt Gollhardt teaches a line dance at ECR's April Fun Night.

Photos by Ken Seibert

February 2018: A Double Header

ECR held back-to-back dances on Friday and Saturday, February 23 and 24. First up was our monthly no-experience-required Fun Night with Kurt Gollhardt calling squares, Sicilian Circles, and a Quadrille! The next evening was our quarterly theme dance, the Black & White Ball featuring Jet Roberts calling Plus, A2 and a couple of SSD-50 (class-level) tips. Something for everyone!

Photos by Ken Seibert
Feb. 24: Lively action at the Black & White Ball.

Photos by Ken Seibert
Feb. 23: Kurt Gollhardt teaches a stately Quadrille at the Fun Night.

January 27, 2018: What a Blast!

Photos by Ken Seibert
Up to the middle and back! Instructor Arlene Kaspik keeps students and angels grinning at ECR's first weekend Blast Class, January 27-28.

January 19, 2018: Fun Night

Photos by Ken Seibert
January 19: Caller Scot Byars goes over the basics at ECR's January Fun Night.

December 2017: Holiday Fun at ECR

Photo by Ken Seibert
December 20: Winners of the Ugly Sweater contest

Photos by Bennet Marks & Ed Wilson
December 15: Caller Darren Gallina teaches the Grand Square at ECR's December Fun Night.

October 28, 2017: The Season of the Witch!

A bewitching evening of dancing, costumes and gooey treats at ECR's Halloween Ball with caller Michael Kellogg.

Photos by Ken Seibert

October 20, 2017: More Fun at ECR

The fourth in our series of "Fun Nights" (no-experience-needed dance parties) featured our own Senior Club Caller, Rich Reel. Rich taught some basic square dance moves including the awe-inspiring, death-defying "Grand Square", and kept the crowd laughing with his snappy patter. He gave some basic lessons in the Waltz and reprised the "Wild Wild West" mixer dance that Michael Levy presented at last month's Fun Night.

Photos by Ken Seibert

August 18, 2017: Another Fun Night at ECR

ECR held the second in its series of "Fun Nights" (no-experience-needed dance parties) featuring Arlene Kaspik who flew in all the way from Chicago to call for us.

Photos by Ken Seibert

August 5, 2017: The Summer of Love!

The Age of a-SQUARE-ius started off, appropriately enough, with a bit of chaos when Reelers and friends arrived to find the church occupied by another group. But we partied on and danced outside on a beautiful summer evening.

Caller Kris Jensen and cuer Sharon Parker played a stellar collection of Sixties music, and dancers came dressed in tie-dye, flowers, and peace symbols, with a lot of vintage Sixties paraphernalia. No time to decorate the hall, but it didn't matter -- WE were the decoration! Watch the video below and see for yourself.

Photos and Video by Ken Seibert

July 21, 2017: Andy Shore Kicks off ECR Fun Nights

ECR kicked off a series of "Fun Nights" -- no-experience-needed dance parties -- with the return of long-ago ECR caller Andy Shore.

Andy called a variety of dances - squares, mixers, contras - and kept the crowd buzzing with novelties like this dance for groups of 5 people:

Photos & Video by Ken Seibert

June 21, 2017: Let Them Eat Cake

New Plus grads Mary and John cut the cake to celebrate their graduation on June 21 in a ceremony that included diplomas, speechifying, and blindfolded square dancing.

Photos by Ken Seibert

June 2017: Pride Month

El Camino Reelers danced in two Pride celebrations this year: San Mateo and Santa Cruz. Rich called for both events and encouraged onlookers to join us as we strutted our stuff for the crowd.

Photos by Ken Seibert

April 15, 2017: A Great Square Dance!

Reelers and friends came out to "Make Square Dancing Great Again" at our "Walk & Dodge into Spring" dance. A last-minute appearance by caller Gary Monday saved the day, cuer Kevin Klein rounded out the evening and a splendid time was had by all.

Photos by Ken Seibert

Feb. 25, 2017: Let the Good Times Roll

Big turnout, great costumes! Reelers and friends get down at the Mardi Gras Ho-Down with caller Bill Eyler and cuer Sue Harris.

Photos by Ken Seibert

Jan. 27, 2017: ECR Tie-Dye Friday

Photos by Ken Seibert
Far out! Reelers and friends turned out in high style to dance to the mellow calling of Michael Levy.