El Camino Reelers: Square Dancing in Silicon Valley for the LGBTQ Community and friends

2025 SSD-to-Plus Blast Class

El Camino Reelers is partnering with Oaktown 8s to hold a "Blast" class in early 2025 to take SSD dancers up to full Plus level. The class will be on four Saturday afternoons starting February 15, 2024.

Download the class flyer (PDF)

This class is for those who are currently dancing at the SSD (Socal Square Dance) level. It is aimed at both recent ECR and Oaktown SSD class grads and anyone else who dances SSD and wants to move up to Plus. It's also for those who dance Plus but are in need of a refresher.

Instructor: Kurt Gollhardt.

The class includes four intensive (3 hour) Saturday classes every other weekend. Please plan to attend all four Saturday sessions. In between blast sessions, students will review the calls at the two intervening club nights of their own clubs.

Saturday "Blast" Sessions

  • February 15
  • March 1
  • March 15
  • March 29

Saturday classes are from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm at the Mark Green Sports Center, 31224 Union City Blvd. in Union City. (see map)

Light refreshments will be provided.

Students enrolled in the Blast Class should plan on coming to ECR on Tuesday nights or Oaktown on Wednesdays to practice their new skills. Week nights are not included in the class fee.

Angels (experienced dancers) are encouraged to come to the Blast sessions to assist with the class. Admission for angels is FREE but paying students will receive priority when squaring up.

There will be a Graduation Dance on Saturday, April 19 after the completion of the Blast class. Two hours (12:30-2:30 pm), same location. Everyone is invited.