El Camino Reelers: Square Dancing in Silicon Valley for the LGBTQ Community and friends

Join El Camino Reelers

  • An inexpensive, alcohol-free way to have fun and meet people
  • Good physical (and mental!) exercise
  • An international community of square dance friends
  • A positive force in the LGBTQ community

Membership and Fees

Annual dues are $50.

Each membership year begins October 1. Membership fees for those who join at other times may be prorated.

To renew your membership

Current members, please use one of the payment options to renew your membership.

If you have changes to your contact information, use the registration form below, or just send an email to information@reelers.org and let us know what's changed.

To join the club

Membership in ECR is available to any dancer who can demonstrate proficiency at the Callerlab SSD level. El Camino Reelers does not discriminate with respect to membership on any basis not directly related to the ability to participate in this activity.

if you dance SSD level or higher and would like to join El Camino Reelers, download the:


Fill in the required information and as much of the optional (fun) information as you like, indicate yor privacy preferences, and give it to any Board member with your check at any ECR club night. Then send in your membership fee using one of the payment options.

Note: The online registration form has been temporarily disabled due to repeated hacking attempts.

Once we have your contact information and payment, you will be automatically enrolled in the club online mailing list, ECRtalk, and we will request a badge for you.

To sign up for the Beginner class

To register for the Beginner class, please see the Beginner Class page. Class tuition includes a full year's membership fee.

Payment options

1. Check

Make checks payable to El Camino Reelers. Mail the registration form with your check for $50 to

El Camino Reelers
P.O. Box 391373
Mountain View, CA 94039-1373

or give them to any Board member.

2. Cash

Give your completed form and cash payment of $50 to any ECR Board member at club night.

3. PayPal

To pay your membership fee, click the "Pay Now" button.

Yearly membership fee: $50.00

Additional Donation (optional)

NOTE: the PayPal confirmation screen will say that your payment is going to treasurer@reelers.org, identified as Edward Wilson of Felton, CA. PayPal wanted a person's name to identify the account, so Ed gave them his info. Your payments will really go to El Camino Reelers, and Ed will not use them to flee to Argentina.