El Camino Reelers: Square Dancing in Silicon Valley for the LGBTQ Community and friends
Photo by John Kenny
Dancers from Bay Area clubs at the 18th Annual Inter-Club Holiday Social

December 17: Congratulations to Our 2024 Graduates!

They made it! ECR celebrated its largest Beginner class in years with an evening of dancing, ceremony and general silliness involving hula hoops and pool noodles. Callers Kurt Gollhardt, Michael Levy, Mike Pogue and James Thompson were on hand for the evening.

Photo by Hank Winkenwerder

Real dancing.
Real people.
Real fun.

EL CAMINO REELERS is a modern Western Square Dance club, formed by lesbians and gay men in order to meet people, have fun, and learn to square dance. We dance to live callers using the Callerlab SSD-50, Mainstream, Plus, and Advanced programs.

Looking for a new kick?

LEARN TO SQUARE DANCE! It's a great way to meet active, open-minded, intelligent, and sometimes very silly people. We would love to welcome you to our club. Come to one of our no experience required Open House Nights, or send a note to information@reelers.org and let us know you're interested.