More Advanced Resources
Taminations: Animations of all calls; click on lower-left to get the definition of a call. Get the app for your smartphone (highly recommended) or use the web version at
You can control the speed of the animation or step through it one click at at a time.
Calls Taught List:
Click on each call to get call descriptions with animated diagrams and links to Taminations and other resources for that call.
Definitions of Calls
The official source of call definitions is CALLERLAB. You can get to the CALLERLAB definitions of each call from Taminations, or you can get them all in one:
Official CALLERLAB Dance Program Documents
Look for "Advanced Definitions".
However, for Advanced and Challenge, there's another de facto standard: Vic and Debbie Ceder's "Ceder Chest". In some cases their call descriptions are clearer or have more examples. The Ceder Chest for A2 and A2 is available in printed book form from:
The Ceder Chest definitions are also available as individual web pages at:
The call names in our Teaching Order link to these Ceder Chest definitions.
For other useful info not definition-related, check out the El Camino Reelers Student Info page.
Contact information
Your Class Email List for announcements and useful info: (Active sometime after the first class.)
Your instructors for the class are:
Links to all these resources in one PDF document:
Photos by Ed Wilson
Congratulations to our 2016 Advanced Class Graduates!